Friday 26 March 2010


I was recently interviewed by a friend and said that my next blog was to about the trauma that I suffer.

Lately He has gone out for a couple of days - without ME!

These days are much less fun and I wait for him all day until he gets back. Here you can see me waiting. By the front door. The door he went out through. She will take me a walk maybe and will do my lunch for me but I will return, straight away, to my vigil by the door.

It is not fair and proper that he does this to me, he should take me with him. I ride in the car nicely. OK I bark like a demon possessed if he leaves the car when I am still in it, but I am sure I could go with him! He took Granddad to the hospital and had to sit in the waiting room while they saw Granddad. Waiting Room - get it! I am waiting on the door mat so I could wait with him in the WAITING room and we could both be happy. So he went to Sainsbury's! It was to get dog food. I could have come and chosen for myself what I have. He went to Derby to install some software. Well they don't come softer than me - I could have come. He went to Nottingham to sort out Macs. Well he often wears one when we go walking so I could have come along then.

It's not fair - He must stop leaving me behind. I can do all the things he does!

TAKE ME WITH YOU! please???

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